Information for Developers

If you wish to do higher-level development on top of ark, we recommend setting up a virtual environment. We highly recommend using conda virtual environments. To be able to set one up, you will need to install the Anaconda package.

Setting up Your Virtual Environment - Anaconda

Installing Anaconda

For a step-by-step guide of how to install Anaconda, please refer to these links:

Notes for Mac users

We recommend following the command line installer instructions as users have reported recent issues with the graphical installer.

To test if conda has been added to your path, run conda info in your Terminal. If you get an error message, it means conda has not been added to your PATH environment variable yet. To fix, run export PATH="/Users/yourname/anaconda3/bin:$PATH".

Apple Silicon Installation

You will need to install *miniforge* first. Miniforge contains conda with native Apple Silicon support. There are a few installation options available, all generally work the same way. Consult the documentation if you wish to read about them (using Mamba vs Conda for example).

  1. Getting Miniforge

  2. Initialize it for shell .. code-block:: sh

    conda init

Creating a virtual environment

Now that Anaconda is installed, you can now create a conda environment.

To do so, on your command line, type conda create -n <my_env> python=3.8, where <my_env> is a name you set. Our codebase currently supports up to Python 3.8.

Say yes to any prompts and your conda environment will be created!

To verify installation, activate your conda environment with conda activate <my_env>. If you see (<my_env>) on the far left of the command prompt, you have successfully created and activated your environment. Type conda deactivate to exit at any time.

Setting up ark-analysis for development

ark relies on several other Python packages. Inside the ark-analysis repo (if you don’t have it, first run git clone, and with your virtual environment activated, you will need to install these other dependencies as well. Run pip install -e ".[test]" to install ark and it’s dependencies and testing dependencies.

You’re now set to start working with ark-analysis! Please look at our contributing guidelines for more information about development. For detailed explanations of the functions available to you in ark, please consult the Libraries section of this documentation.

Updating Ark Analysis in the Docker

Note that code changes aren’t automatically propagated into the Docker Image. However there may be times where you would like to work with and test out new changes and features.

You may update the current version of ark-analysis by running the following commands in the Jupyter Lab terminal.

cd /opt/ark-analysis
git pull
pip install .

Using ark functions directly

If you will only be using functions in ark without developing on top of it, do not clone the repo. Simply run pip install ark-analysis inside the virtual environment to gain access to our functions. To verify installation, type conda list ark-analysis after completion. If ark-analysis is listed, the installation was successful. You can now access the ark library with import ark.

Developing template notebooks via Docker

If you are using docker for your virtual environment, and plan to develop and commit template notebooks, then you should use the --develop-notebook-templates flag for

Typically, the ./templates folder is copied into ./scripts before starting docker and Jupyter is started within ./scripts. This enables users of ark-analysis to use the notebooks without dirtying the git working directory—doing so would cause merge conflicts on pull. When using --develop-notebook-templates, ./templates is used directly, so changes are changes reflected directly.

To enable, pass the either -d or --develop-notebook-templates to

$ ./start_docker -d

Now notebooks can be git diffed and git commited without having to copy changed notedbooks between ./scripts and ./templates.

Building Docker Images Locally

It may be useful to be able to manually build a new Docker Image as features get added, changes made and libraries updated. Specifically, updating Python libraries requires building a new docker image from scratch.

Once you are in ark-analysis, the Docker Image can be built with the following command.

docker build -t ark-analysis .

The docker image will now build, and this process can take some time.

More on xarrays

One type of N-D array we use frequently is xarray (documentation). The main advantages xarray offers are:

  • Labeled dimension names

  • Flexible indexing types

While these can be achieved in numpy to a certain extent, it’s much less intuitive. In contrast, xarray makes it very easy to accomplish this.

Just as numpy‘s base array is ndarray, xarray‘s base array is DataArray. We can initialize it with a numpy array as such (xarray should always be imported as xr):

arr = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((1024, 1024, 3)),
                   dims=['x', 'y', 'channel'],
                   coords=[np.arange(1024), np.arange(1024), ['red', 'green', 'blue']])

In this example, we assign the 0th, 1st, and 2nd dimensions to ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘channel’ respectively. Both ‘x’ and ‘y’ are indexed with 0-1023, whereas ‘channel’ is indexed with RGB color names.

Indexing for xarray works like numpy. For example, to extract an xarray with x=10:15, y=10:15, and channels=[‘red’, ‘blue’]:

arr.loc[10:15, 10:15, ['red', 'blue']]

This can also be extracted into a numpy array using .values:

arr.loc[10:15, 10:15, ['red', 'blue']].values

Note the use of .loc in both cases. You do not have to use .loc to index, but you will be forced to use integer indexes. The following is equivalent to the above:

arr[10:15, 10:15, [0, 2]].values

In most cases, we recommend using .loc to get the full benefit of xarray. Note that this can also be used to assign values as well:

arr.loc[10:15, 10:15, ['red', 'blue']] = 255

To access the coordinate names, use arr.dims, and to access specific coordinate indices, use arr.coord_name.values.

Finally, to save an xarray to a file, use:

arr.to_netcdf(path, format="NETCDF3_64BIT")

You can load the xarray back in using:

arr = xr.load_dataarray(path)

Working with AnnData

We can load a single AnnData object using the function anndata.read_zarr, and several AnnData objects using the function load_anndatas from ark.utils.data_utils.

from anndata import read_zarr
from ark.utils.data_utils import load_anndatas
fov0 = read_zarr("data/example_dataset/fov0.zarr")

The channel intensities for each observation in the AnnData object with the .to_df() method, and get the channel names with .var_names.


The observations and their properties with the obs property of the AnnData object. The data here consists of measurements such as area, perimeter, and categorical information like cell_meta_cluster for each cell.


The $x$ and $y$ centroids of each cell can be accessed with the obsm attribute and the key "spatial".


We can load all the AnnData objects in a directory lazily with load_anndatas. We get a view of the AnnData objects in the directory.

fovs_ac = load_anndatas(anndata_dir = "data/example_dataset/fov0.zarr")

We can utilize AnnData objects or AnnCollections in a similar way to a Pandas DataFrame. For example, we can filter the AnnCollection to only include cells that have a cell_meta_cluster label of "CD4T".

fovs_ac_cd4t = fovs_ac[fovs_ac.obs["cell_meta_cluster"] == "CD4T"]

The type of fovs_ac_cd4t is not an AnnData object, but instead an AnnCollectionView. This is a view of the subset of the AnnCollection. This object can only access .obs, .obsm, .layers and .X.

We can subset a AnnCollectionView to only include the first $n$ observations objects with the following code. The slice based indexing behaves like a numpy array.

n = 100
fovs_ac_cdt4_100 = fovs_ac_cd4t[:n]

Often we will want to subset the AnnCollection to only include observations contained within a specific FOV.

fov1_adata = fovs_ac[fovs_ac.obs["fov"] == "fov1"]


We can loop over all FOVs in a AnnCollection with the following code (there is alternative method in ):

all_fovs = fovs_ac.obs["fov"].unique()

for fov in all_fovs:
    fov_adata = fovs_ac[fovs_ac.obs["fov"] == fov]
    # do something with fov_adata

Functions which take in AnnData objects can often be applied to AnnCollections.

The following works as expected:

def dist(adata):
    x = adata.obsm["spatial"]["centroid_x"]
    y = adata.obsm["spatial"]["centroid_y"]
    return np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)


While the example below does not:

from squidpy import gr
gr.spatial_neighbors(adata=fovs_ac, spatial_key="spatial")

This is due to a AnnCollection object not having a uns property.

Utilizing DataLoaders

While a AnnCollection can sometimes be used to apply a function over all FOVs, in some instances we either cannot do that, or perhaps we want to apply functions to each FOV independently.

We can access the underlying AnnData objects with .adatas.


In these instances we can construct data pipelines with ``torchdata` <>`_.

As an example, let’s create a multi-stage DataLoader which does the following:

In order to construct a torchdata ``DataLoader2` <>`_ iterator we first need to create a torchdata ``IterDataPipe` <>`_. This implements the __iter__() protocol, and represents an iterable over data samples.

We can convert the AnnCollection to a torchdata IterDataPipe with ark.utils.data_utils.AnnDataIterDataPipe.

from ark.utils.data_utils import AnnDataIterDataPipe

fovs_ip = AnnDataIterDataPipe(fovs=fovs_ac)

The following two functions are used to filter the observations in the AnnData objects to only include cells with an area greater than min_area and cells with a cell_meta_cluster label of cluster.

from anndata import AnnData

def filter_cells_by_cluster(adata: AnnData, cluster_label: str) -> AnnData:
    return adata[adata.obs["cell_meta_cluster"] == cluster_label]

def filter_cells_by_area(adata: AnnData, min_area: int) -> AnnData:
    return adata[adata.obs["area"] > min_area]

The following function is used to filter out AnnData objects which have no observations.

def filter_empty_adata(fov: AnnData) -> bool:
    return len(fov) > 0

We can apply these functions to the IterDataPipe with the map and the filter method. Because those methods return a new IterDataPipe object, we can chain them together.

from functools import partial

cd4t_obs_filter = partial(filter_cells_by_cluster, cluster_label="CD4T")
area_obs_filter = partial(filter_cells_by_area, min_area=300)

fovs_subset =

The data pipeline can be visualized with to_graph function.

from torchdata.datapipes.utils import to_graph


The DataLoader can now be constructed.

from torchdata.dataloader2.dataloader2 import DataLoader2

fovs_subset_dl = DataLoader2(fovs_subset)

We can now loop over the DataLoader and compute the Spatial Neighbors graph per FOV with the filtered observations.

for fov in fovs_subset_dl:
    gr.spatial_neighbors(adata=fov, radius=350, spatial_key="spatial", coord_type="generic")

Further Reading